Marlene Tseng Yu Mar 5 – May 7, 2011
Marlene Tseng Yu

White Crest acrylic on paper 32″ x 42″ 2005
Forms Environmental
March 5 – May 7, 2011
In her exploration of the many faces and variations in the natural world Marlene Tseng Yu has found an infinite source of inspiration for artistic expression.
She states that she loves the many elements of our environment, be they as broad as the horizon or as small as cells under the microscope. From this vast setting, she sets out to capture the spirit of the universe, its rhythm and movements, its quiet and angry moods, its colors and forms.
Her techniques may vary greatly from painting to painting in her attempt to embody the scope of her expression. The one common theme in all her work is the reference to nature. It is the focus of all of her paintings.
Marlene states, “I have found painting in water media – acrylic demands an absolute control of the medium to achieve the various effects, textures, and transparencies.
The scale of the painting is a challenge, but not a limitation for me. To produce on canvas or paper what I have in my mind, my ideas and feelings on the universe, is a great challenge.”
Even after thirty years of work on the Abstraction in Nature Series, Marlene’s art continues to focus on the beauty of nature, calling for appreciation and awareness of what needs to be done to preserve our environment. Her committment to the Environmental Green Movement in her life is as substantial as her art, which is both timely and timeless.
The Glacier Melting Series (below) reflects on one of the most important issues today, climate change. Visit Marlene’s web site for a comprehensive review of her career (